About me

Hello! I’m Greta, and I’m going to walk with you on your Path to accomplish a deeper understanding of who you are!

After a long career in advertising and international marketing, my life shifted. From a career woman, achieving perfectionist… I stopped. And remembered – Myself.
WHO AM I? What do I want? What do I like? Am I where I want myself to be? Is it too late? Can I start again?

At the age of 45, I closed my eyes to the external society’s expectations and started listening to my inner voice. This led me to the path of self-discovery via meditative techniques. Exploring, remembering, and reconnecting to my inner nature was a journey through body, emotions, and mind. And here I am – recreating my life!

I am here to guide you and offer you support while you head to new beginnings of self-discovery. Through the meditation techniques, spiritual practices, holistic medicine, and my personal experiences – the road is not always easy, there are bumps along the way… It takes one step at a time – before you can remember your true self! If I was able to do it – so can YOU!

I am here to walk with you and to hold your hand.

contact me

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